10 Things you Didn’t Know About Malachite

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Anyone familiar with malachite knows how beneficial it is, not only to the heart and solar plexus chakras, but to the spiritual being as a whole. An emotional stabilizer, malachite helps us bring those repressed feelings to the surface so that we may resolve them to release any underlying trauma. It also opens and aligns the solar plexus chakra, allowing us to tap into our own source of personal willpower and determination by realizing and strengthening our core values and beliefs, which is perhaps why it’s such a powerful stone to have. Malachite is especially protective when worn or kept in the home as it acts as a shield to the aura, dispelling any and all negativity that may try to pervade your personal space. First discovered in 1747 and named by J.G. Wallerius, it has since been used for all sorts of spiritual healing and is one of the most sought after healing stones today. Needless to say, its origins and historical uses are well worth looking into, if only to understand a little more about why this stone is a must have for any crystal enthusiast. Here are 10 things you didn’t know about Malachite. 

1. Malachite, the origin of a name 

After its reported discovery in 1747, this marvelous banded stone was named by J.G. Wallerius after the Greek word malache meaning “mallow” for its leaf-green color. However, the name “malachite” is actually French, some records showing its origins in the Greek malachitis (llithos), the Old English malwe and Latin malva. They all kind of resonate with marvelous, coincidentally.  

2. Malachite, a stone which precedes its name 

Although it was only first reported about 300 years ago, malachite holds a seat in history dating much farther back in time. It is believed to be one of the earliest ores of copper, having been mined in the eastern and Sinai deserts of Ancient Egypt as early as 3000 BC. There, its uses extended from ornamental to spiritual, with many superstitions surrounding it.  

3. Malachite in Greek Mythology 

Greek mythology provides a place of origin for many well-known spiritual beliefs and metaphysical correspondences, and crystals (including malachite) are no different. In Roma, malachite was called the “peacock stone” and was considered an emblem of the Goddess Juno. It was also the metal of Venus and many ancient followers of the Goddess would attribute significant powers to the stone. For these reasons, it was believed that the stone attracted love.   

4. Malachite in ancient rituals 

Long before its popularity in the western world, malachite was a major component in ancient Egyptian rituals. Represented by the hieroglyph wadj (meaning “green”), malachite symbolized fertility, vegetation, and new life. To the ancient Egyptians, the cycle of vegetation paralleled the circle of life and they recognized that life, death, and resurrection were a natural part of both. They would often refer to the paradise entered upon death as “a field of malachite”.   

5. Malachite, a pigment with purpose 

In more ways than one, malachite was often used not only for its symbolism, but also for its healing powers. It was (and still is) said to be a powerful protector, but it was also associated with physical healing, especially in the eyes. For these purposes, in much the same way that the ancient Egyptians believed that black eyeliner protected from evil, malachite would be ground up into a powder and used as eyeshadow (especially by Cleopatra, the Queen of shades). After the downfall of the Egyptian empire, people began using malachite to create green paint until the 19th century when it was preferred as decorative pieces for its iridescent shades. 

6. Malachite, a stone of the royals 

In the early 1900’s, malachite found its pedestal in the courts of Imperial Russia where tsars and princesses would dedicate tales and halls in their palaces to the precious and captivating stone. The Winter Palace, one of the grandest in St. Petersburg, features a magnificent salon of malachite which was originally commissioned by the Empress Alexandra  Fyodorovna in 1830. This malachite room was used mainly as a dressing room for the brides of Russia’s Imperial family, The Romanovs, before their weddings. Even more magnificent architecture featuring malachite can be found in St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

7. The Malachite Casket 

One of Russia’s most popular folk tales is dedicated to the beauty and mystery surrounding malachite, The Malachite Casket, 1938. In this tale, a girl named Tanyushka was given a malachite casket filled with jewelry by her deceased father. The story reveals that the casket was given to Tanyushka’s father by The Mistress of the Copper Mountain who was believed to be Tanyushka’s mother. As a changeling, a child of the mountain spirit and a mortal, she is described as being mysterious and inhumanely beautiful.  

8. Malachite in cleansing rituals 

With its historical uses reaching from the ancient Egyptians to the Orient and the Aztec Mayans, malachite had found its purpose in many rituals, particularly cleansing rituals. It is said that the stone carries powerful cleansing energies which are useful for clearing out blockages in the emotional body. Through many practices, specifically by qualified healers, malachite has the ability to push repressed memories to the surface so that past trauma may be resolved. It draws out and reveals whatever may be inhibiting your spiritual growth while pushing you to take responsibility for yourself and breaking harmful ties and patterns.  

9. Malachite, a stone of protection 

For thousands of years, perhaps the most important property of malachite has been its ability to protect the wearer from harm. It has long since been reputed to fight against the evil eye, black magic, and evil spirits. Malachite is also known to absorb pollutants and negative energy from the environment and from the body, absorbing plutonium and radiation and deflecting electromagnetic smog. For these reasons, it would often be worn as an amulet and hung from the cradle of babies. It is also said that when cut into a triangular shape, malachite repels the evil eye.    

10. Malachite superstitions and beliefs 

Aside from its many protective, cleansing, and healing abilities, malachite has been associated with other more “strange” beliefs. According to Russian legend, one could adopt the language of animals in order to communicate with them by drinking a concoction made of malachite. A more common and less strange belief is that it brings good luck – also called “the merchant’s stone”, malachite is believed to attract greenbacks, making it a favorable talisman for businessmen and traders.  

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