Best Crystal For Heart Chakra

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Our physical body is not only a miracle in its complex functioning. It is also a vessel for the higher dimensions of our being. It is a receptacle for the sacred spark in each of us and the many energetic fields in between. These energetic fields are called bodies, and each of these bodies corresponds to a plane of existence. 

These bodies constitute an energy system that nourishes our physical body and protects us from the environment, but it also interacts with other realities on a subconscious level. These subtle energies are also capable of carrying our awareness to those higher realities. 

The food we ingest is what sustains the body, but not alone. We need air, sunlight, heat, and many other more subtle energy forms (including emotions). These are harvested by our bodies and distributed through different organs. There are subtle channels (nadis in the Hindu system) along our physical body that constitute a distribution network for our lifeforce. Chakras are the centers of this network, as they connect all the planes of our existence, and this is why they are so important.

Good functioning of our energy system will provide nourishment to our whole body, in all its aspects. But blockages will create a host of issues, manifesting through subtle and physical symptoms.

In principle, all the chakras have equal importance since what truly makes us healthy is the correct balance between them. If some chakras are impaired in any way, the others will tend to be more active to supply the deficiencies, and then we will not be achieving a healthy balance. 

The Main Chakras

The number of chakras in the body is 114 (with over 70.000 connecting nadis). Each one can be understood as an energy wheel, and it has a meaning and a function.

First chakra: Muladhara

It is red and corresponds to the earth. It is at the base of the perineum. This first chakra is the one that unites us to the earth.

If it is not balanced, we will feel disconnected from life. This may create uncertainty and weakness, as we are shut off from a prominent energy source.

Second chakra: Svadisthana

Its orange color is very light, almost yellow. It is located under the navel and corresponds to the element of water. It is our body’s power; for example, the energy we feel running through us when we exercise, that vitality.

If it is unbalanced, we will fear enjoyment and risks. Also, we will have difficulty expressing our feelings.

Third chakra: Manipura

It is yellow, and its element is fire. It is located in the solar plexus and is related to our vigor, our personality’s fire.

If it does not work well, we will have general discomforts such as fatigue, digestive diseases, and lack of confidence. We will feel defeated before the battle.

Fourth chakra: Anahata

The Heart chakra. It is the color green and represents air. It is located in the center of the chest and is related to love. 

Fifth chakra: Vishuddha

It is blue in color and corresponds to the ether. It is located in the throat. Thus, if it does not work correctly, we may have problems with our throat, which often involves expressing ourselves and swallowing.

Sixth chakra: Anja

This is the third eye chakra. It is an indigo color, and its element is light. It is a door to profound perceptions that take shape within the imagination. In this sense, imagination becomes a tool to understand reality in a language of our own. Visions are an example of this.

When misaligned, imagination may bring negative images and ideas into your life, delusions, or nightmares.

Seventh chakra: Sahasrara

This is the crown chakra. Its element is space. It is located at the top of the head and represents our connection to divinity. It is pure white light though sometimes it is seen as white-purple.

Disconnection of this chakra makes us blind to divine influence and higher realms.

The Heart Chakra A Wheel in Movement

The heart chakra is located in the chest and thoracic vertebrae area. It is in the center, in line with the heart, behind the sternum, between the shoulder blades. The main chakras are located along the spine but facing forwards, linked to certain parts of the physical body, the glandular system, and various areas of our lives.

The fourth chakra is in the center of our energy system. Its position is above the third chakra (solar plexus) and just below the throat chakra. The best crystal for heart chakra will also be central to our life, preventing us from disconnecting from who we are.

It connects the earth energies that come from the lower chakras with the cosmic energies that flow from the higher chakras.

When we vibrate in love, joy, calm, and peace, all feelings of well-being are present. On the contrary, when we vibrate in fear, anger, anxiety, and sadness are our emotions.

A Lacking Heart

Dysfunction of the heart chakra can be expressed in several ways: for example, you like to give, always be there for others. Secretly (perhaps without being aware of it or confessing it to yourself), you continue to expect recognition and confirmation in return for all your “love,” and you are disappointed when your efforts are not sufficiently rewarded.

Or you feel powerful and strong and give your strength to others, but you cannot accept love yourself and receive it sincerely. 

If this chakra is closed, selfless love is not happening, and we will never achieve a genuine love connection with another.

A Hear Full of Life

The fourth chakra symbol is a hexagram consisting of two interlocking equilateral triangles, one pointing up, the other pointing down.

The first symbolizes God’s masculine principle, represented by Shiva, the symbol of consciousness. The second stands for God’s feminine principle, represented by Shakti (Tara often represents this energy), the divine mother goddess and symbol of power.

This is the kind of celestial balance we are talking about.

If this chakra is healthy, we feel part of a larger totality that includes all life, and we realize that everything is interconnected within an intricate web of relationships. From this genuine understanding, space opens up for love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, kindness, intimacy, devotion, gratitude.

The feeling of a heart chakra full of vitality is one of openness, of a desire to share eternal life with everyone and everything around us—a sense of love that goes in every direction.

The Anahata or Heart Chakra is the energy center of our body that understands love. Learn to open it, and you will receive the love that is available to each of us.

The heart is perceived as the center of the self in many cultures; it is deeply connected with our sense of being.

Depending on how we are vibrating, we will feel one or the other emotions. 

We can define two large groups: Emotions born from love and expansion and emotions born from contraction or fear.

No emotion is good or bad, nor should we reject any state, because as humans that we are, all emotions are part of our sensations. What allows us to recognize and accept our feelings is the possibility of choosing to transform them and learn from each of them. Then we find ourselves in a more active role; we increase our resources to face complicated feelings.

When we say that yoga is a path of self-knowledge, we seek to discover our own truths. It is about outlining our own way as we move forward and learn to listen to ourselves. We can acquire techniques, receive guides, listen to experiences, but our answers will always come from our understandings.

When your heart chakra is fully open and interacts harmoniously with the other chakras, the energies of your heart can transform your world and unite you with the people around you, bringing reconciliation and healing. You radiate a natural warmth and vitality that opens hearts and inspires confidence and joy. Your feelings are free from inner turmoil and conflict, from doubts and uncertainties. This kind of love has the quality mystics talk about, the purity of a love that wants nothing in return, natural, spontaneous, and giving.

Finding The Best Crystal For Heart Chakra

Crystals help us to work on the various aspects of our life. Their vibration can accompany us and drive us in everything we need. They are also great allies when we aim toward those complex changes we know we need to make.

In the best crystal for heart chakra, we do not only find a tool for healing; it is a great way to empower our lives.

Pink Quartz: It is related to everything that has to do with the heart. It unblocks and activates the heart chakra. It is common to place it under the pillow to bring harmony to our dreams and our home. It is a translucent and slightly cloudy stone that can range from pale pink to deep pink.

Green Sapphire: It brings the wisdom of fidelity and integrity into one’s life, honoring loyalty and trust. It stimulates the Heart Chakra, arousing compassion and understanding of others. It generates tolerance and respect and helps develop spiritual insight.

Green Kyanite: It is known to help break unwanted patterns. It can assist us in liberating ourselves from any burden that makes our hearts feel heavy. It brings a profound renewal to our energies and even our worldview. It connects us with our feelings and helps to express them. It is also a healing stone for the throat.

Uvarovite: It connects the heart with our most profound nature and stimulates the heart chakra while enhancing spiritual relationships. It is a very calming stone.

Meditation and The Heart Chakra

When we make decisions with our hearts, we will put into motion the best of ourselves. Now and then, it may be clouded by negative feelings, and we create a reality we do not really want.

Meditation is a great tool to sharpen our senses and connect with our inner being. It is a way of cleansing our perception and our actions.

However, to find this harmony with our inner being, we have to undo paths and destroy beliefs that we have built throughout our upbringing, education, etc.

In such a process, awareness is key.

A Heart Chakra Meditation

This is a meditation to open the heart chakra.

Sit in a comfortable pose with a straight spine. Eyes closed. You should be well aware of your posture when you sit crosslegged. Any posture you chose mustn’t interfere with your blood flow (as damage to the veins is very common in the long term). It a good idea to sit with your legs folded. This means that instead of crossing your legs, you place one before the other, both touching the floor. The lotus and half lotus have to be learned with a yoga teacher in person.

Place the crystal you chose, the one you found to be the best crystal for the heart chakra, and close it into a fist in your left hand. Let it rest on your left leg. 

Your right hand is palm up in a resting position, comfortably on the lap near your right knee. The index finger’s tip touches the tip of the thumb, closing a circle, the remaining fingers are extended. 

The mudra you are creating with your right hand is very popular in Hinduism. It brings a stable, clear mind. It joins the mind’s energies with the fire element, purifying and strengthening the mind.

Inhale slowly and deeply through both nostrils. Then hold your breath in and suspend it in your chest. Retain it for a moment. Then breathe out slowly and thoroughly. With your lungs out of air, wait for a moment and then allow the air back in. This is a traditional form of breathing practice in the East. Ideally, you would count to four or five in each stage, so each of these four phases lasts the same time: inhalation, hold, exhalation, and hold.

The posture induces a feeling of tranquility. Technically a point of calm is created for the prana in the center of the heart. Emotionally, clarify relationships with yourself and others. Physically, it will strengthen the lungs and the heart.

Embrace The Present Moment

Focus on the present, deeply, mindfully, and you will see your past lose grip on you. Also, the future will be less of a source of fear. That will allow you to learn to enjoy the here and now in all its wonder and complexity.

Some teachers and techniques speak about this.

You can practice such exercises to keep reconnecting with the person you really desire to be. Leaving the past behind is about realizing you were not the person you are now. Stop blaming yourself for things that didn’t turn out the way you expected; better things are waiting for you if you let them find you.

When you feel comfortable with yourself, embrace your flaws, and reflect on yourself, you are more likely to understand and accept other people and their words and actions.

When you are not afraid to give yourself to others with pure and disinterested love, love will come back to you without a doubt.

Unconditional love is selfless, but it is always born from a deep spiritual awakening; it has a reason to be; it cannot be forced. It is a fruit of true spiritual life and accessible to all.

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