Fascinating Article: Crystals and Christianity

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Revelation 21:11, & 18-20: “It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. ”
Crystal healing has been used for thousands of years by many ancient civilizations for a variety of purposes and, until the advent of Christianity, it played a major role in what is known today as more conservative religions. Over time, the true meaning and purpose of crystal healing became lost and often frowned upon. The Bible contradicts itself in these regards, as some references state direct instructions from God which encourage the use of healing crystals whereas others condemn it. For new age spiritualists and practitioners of all sorts, the topic of crystal healing is a common household mention. Whatever the perspective of that mentioning, those who are familiar with crystal healing cannot deny its benefits. In this article, we’ll dissect the relationship between crystal healing and Christianity to find the similarities in its many crevices of opposition.

What is Crystal Healing
Crystals (otherwise known as minerals) are formed when certain elements in the earth are exposed to an extreme change of temperature and intense pressure. These crystals, because of their natural composition and in regards to the way they are formed, carry natural healing energy that can be “borrowed” in a variety of simple ways. Crystal healing is the manipulation of a crystal’s natural energy and healing properties through spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, reiki, and holistic therapy. In these practices, crystal stones are held or placed on various parts of the body to manipulate the flow of energy through the body as a whole. While all crystals lend their individual healing energies to the seeker, each crystal holds its own unique properties which are used for differing and specific purposes. These crystals and their properties can also be combined to create an entirely new and unique purpose – we’ll reference this below.

Crystal Healing Through the Ages
From ancient China to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, crystals have been used in a variety of practices and have been regarded as powerful energetic tools that harness the power of the elements as well as the universe’s many natural gifts to us as Earthlings. Historically, crystals have been used for everything from cleansing, purification, protection, and communication with the old gods to simple aesthetics (certain crystals were crushed into powder and used as paint). Ancient Sumerians would incorporate the use of crystals into magic rituals and ancient Egyptians of Kemet would use crystals such as lapis lazuli, clear quartz, turquoise, emerald, and carnelian for the purposes of jewelry, talismans, tombs (to accompany the dead on their voyage into the afterlife), and even eyeshadow! Their purposes were mainly for promoting health and protecting against evil spirits. In ancient Greece, where many crystal names originated, soldiers, sailors and royals alike would use healing crystals such as hematite and amethyst for everything from bravery in battle and protection at sea to a cure for hangovers. The ancient Chinese valued Jade the most among all healing crystals as it was believed to hold powerful energies of luck, happiness, and protection – some ancient Chinese emperors were even buried in jade armor. Healing crystals have been incorporated into spiritual beliefs and practices since the beginning of time and it was no different in the case of early Christians.

What God has to say about Crystal Healing
Similar to the way that other spiritualities have incorporated the use of crystal healing into their practices, the Israelites would adorn themselves in a variety of combined gemstones. In fact, one of the earliest recorded origins of birthstones comes from the breastplate of Aaron, otherwise known as the “High Priest’s Breastplate” or the “Breastplate of Judgment” which was attached to the ephod. It was believed to be designed by the Lord and priests would wear it while performing their priestly duties to remind them of their purpose before God and that he represented all people. On this breastplate were inlaid four rows of crystals, each row consisting of three stones, for a total of twelve stones. There has been much speculation on what the precise crystals were, but each represented the Twelve Tribes of Israel, described in the Bible as the direct descendants of the patriarch Jacob (later known as Israel) and it’s quite interesting to learn what they symbolized. Another example of the use of healing crystals and Christianity is the Urim and Thummim, stones which were carried by High Priests and used as a form of divination to determine God’s will and instruction. However, as has been mentioned before, the Bible is quite contradictory in these respects.

The Breastplate of Judgement
As it was designed by the Lord, and observed right to left, the stones on Aaron’s Breastplate were Emerald (Levi), Peridot (Simeon), Carnelian (Reuben), Clear Quartz (Naphtali), Lapis Lazuli (Dan), Ruby (Judah), Amethyst (Issachar), Agate (Asher), Topaz (Gad), Onyx (Joseph), Aquamarine (Zebulun), and Jasper (Benjamin). Aside from the representation of each tribe, there isn’t much available insight into the specific purpose of these stones, but we can guess by our own deciphering and knowledge of healing crystals. Let’s take a look at each of these healing crystals and their relation to Christianity in reference to what they represent.

Emerald & Levi: As a healing crystal, Emerald represents faith, joy, and intuition. These properties can be attributed to the Tribe of Levi, whose biblical implications suggest hope and integration.
Peridot & Simeon: Both the properties of Peridot and the biblical reference to the Tribe of Simeon represent purification, renewal, and rebirth.
Carnelian & Reuben: Carnelian and the biblical name Reuben, as well as his tribe, represent vitality, birth, and reincarnation.
It can be interpreted that the first row of crystals on The Breastplate were intended to reinforce virtues of faith, hope, renewal, and purification- the very foundation of crystal healing and Christian belief.

Clear Quartz & Naphtali: Clear quartz is most commonly known as the stone of clarity, harmony, and growth. The biblical name Naphtali translates to “struggle”, from which the above virtues are born, in most cases.
Lapis Lazuli & Dan: In the Bible, Dan’s tribe and story can be summed up to the words “justice” and “judgement”, which relates to the properties of lapis lazuli in the sense of its representation of truth, communication and power.
Ruby & Judah: In regards to the biblical implications of this stone and what the name Judah represents, this pair is quite an ironic thing to behold, yet has grasped strongly to its symbolism. Ruby represents devotion, courage, and power while the name Judah means “wholesome” and “strong”, referencing a tribe from which one of its descendants would later betray the Messiah.
The second row of The Breastplate can thus be interpreted to signify clarity, strength, and judgement, and the dawning of a new era which would later be birthed therefrom.

Amethyst & Issachar: Issachar’s biblical meaning can be translated simply as “reward”. As amethyst crystals are known to promote spirituality, balance, and transformation, the stone’s correlation to Issachar is evident and undeniable.

Agate & Asher: In the Bible as well as in its translation from Hebrew, Asher means “happy”. In relation to its corresponding stone on the Holy Breastplate, Agate promotes abundance, strength, and harmony.
Topaz & Gad: In the Bible, Gad represents “luck”. Unquestionably, its corresponding stone on the Breastplate of the High Priest is Topaz, which is most commonly known to promote health and good fortune.
Without a doubt, the third row of crystals represents the process from seeking enlightenment to the achievement of becoming enlightened.

Onyx & Joseph: In Hebrew, the name Joseph means “increase and abundance” which, in terms of Onyx healing crystal, can be easily related to the properties of strength, discipline, and self-control.
Aquamarine & Zebulun: The name Zebulun translates to “gift” or “reward” and can be relative (if not consequently) of prophecy, meditation, and inspiration- all the properties of Aquamarine to which the name corresponds.
Jasper & Benjamin: Biblically, the name Benjamin (as well as his tribe) means “right hand” and “strength”. Coincidentally enough, its corresponding crystal on The Breastplate, Jasper is representative of healing, completion, and contentment.
It can be said, quite evidently now, that the fourth and final row of crystals on Aaron’s Breastplate represent the last phase on the road to enlightenment and thus, ascension.

If you’re as analytical as me in these regards, you’ll have seen the relationship and significance of these stones in regards to crystal healing and Christianity. From the first stone to the last, the breastplate itself tells the complete story from start to finish of seeking God and finding him- you’re probably picking what’s left of your mind off the walls too!

Divination and Christianity
As mentioned, the Bible is quite contradictory in terms of crystal healing, mysticism, and the occult. For example, in the book of Deuteronomy 18:9-12 NIV it is said “When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.” Yet in Exodus 28:30, it states “And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment, the Urim (Hebrew: uriym meaning “light”) and the Thummim (Hebrew: tummiym meaning “perfection” or emblem of truth). And they shall be upon Aaron’s heart, when he goes in before the LORD. And Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel.” The Urim and the Thummim are inscribed stones which were carried in the pockets of the High Priest for the purpose of divination so as to determine the will and instruction of God. These stones have since been unrevealed in specificity, but are believed to be a balance between light and dark, truth and illusion- something like the Yin and the Yang. We can imagine perhaps Onyx and Clear Quartz, as these have been mentioned as being two of the Breastplate’s twelve stones. If this is true, the Urim and Thummim are most representative of the balance between good and evil in humanity and the universe- isn’t that the whole point of the thing anyway? I think so too.

Crystal Healing and Christianity
Whatever contradictions may surface at the mention of such topics, let’s look at a few ways in which crystal healing can benefit Christianity.

  1. In the book of Genesis, Christians are commanded to be stewards of the Earth; to care for, cultivate, and preserve the earth’s natural resources. By incorporating crystal healing into the practice of Christianity, these commandments are not only honored, but the practice itself encourages wholesomeness and thorough healing of the mind, body, and spirit.
  2. Christians are taught to honor and glorify the name of God. Through crystal healing, which cultivates awe and appreciation of the divine, the power of God can be beheld through the natural world.
  3. In respects to all aspects of energetic manipulation, crystal healing energy can be used for good or bad purposes. As the Bible speaks against acts of evil and corruption, and in the hands of a proper Christian, the powers of healing crystals can be used for the highest good of any collective.
  4. “Rejoice and be joyful!” There are hardly ever any negative effects of utilizing the natural healing energy of crystals (aside from heightened emotional states if used incorrectly) and the most common result of crystal healing in Christianity is joy. If there’s one thing that Christians are taught to treasure it’s the feeling of joy.
  5. Whatever the doubts and skeptical speculations of crystal healing in Christianity, one thing can be certain and it’s that God’s desires for healing and peace are clearly evident in the properties and utilization of healing crystals. No doubt, it’s a natural and magical way to honor God’s wishes.

What then, could we take away from these presented aspects of crystal healing and Christianity? Certainly and undoubtedly, healing crystals have had their purpose in every and all culture/s for thousands of years and it doesn’t look like that will change anytime soon. So why not honor the spiritualist in you? Given the choice, which twelve crystals would you put on your breastplate?

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