Program Your Intention Into Crystals To Help Manifest Your Dreams

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Goal setting is a great practice to use and something to keep applying as life goes on. Most people have things they want to pursue, items they want to buy, and experiences worth enjoying. Of course, it's nice to daydream and think of all the different things you could do, but in reality, it's best if you set some serious intentions around your goals if you're going to achieve them. Praying and working with the law of attraction is wonderful too, but it only works if you set solid intentions for how you're going to manifest your goals.

Think of it as putting your order in at a restaurant. If you don't tell the server exactly what you want, they'll bring you things that you may like or not like, and there's also the chance they'll bring you nothing at all. So to get what you want from a restaurant, you have to order something directly off the menu. The same goes for manifesting your goals and dreams. You can have ideas, but until you have a clear idea of exactly what you want and concrete steps to take you there, you may not accomplish them.

Crystals can also be used when setting intentions, as they will help enhance the good energy. Positive energy is important while you set your intentions, so crystals can help you with that, and they also act as great conductors of spiritual energy that you can't see, but can feel through your intuition.

First of all, choose the crystals you're going to use to set your intentions. You can trust your intuition to choose, or you can select specific ones that are good for intention setting. You can also choose crystals depending on what you are trying to manifest. An example would be if you are working on manifesting more love in your life, choose Rose Quartz. If it's more money and luck you want, try some green Jade. Amethyst is a crystal to help you tune into your intuition and your manifesting power as well as your dreams. Clear Quartz is a good crystal for setting intentions since it has a laser focus and will help you zone in on your intentions. Sodalite helps with the manifestation of your intentions, so it's also a great one to have around while you're setting them. Citrine elevates your mood, creating a more positive and harmonious energy and aura.

Once you have all of your crystals ready, make sure you cleanse and clear them of all other energy. Then, it also helps to light some candles and get into a good relaxed state. It's easier to concentrate when you are relaxed, you can put on some music too if you like. Next, get your journal or a piece of paper and write out each of your intentions on the paper in a list. You can also write out each intention and cut them out, so they are on individual pieces of paper. Get as detailed and specific as you can, so if you want a car, decide what color, what type, and what year. If you want a house, write out the intention for what style of home you want, the color, the bedrooms and bathrooms, and so on.

You can then program your crystals with these intentions so you always have a reminder of your intentions. To do this, hold the crystal of your choice in your hand and read the intention that you set out loud. Visualize yourself when you have met this goal and see yourself feeling a sense of accomplishment. This feeling state will help you manifest your intentions. You can then go through your other intentions and program them into other crystals so each one will remind you of the specific intention.

Once you are done, set the crystals on your sacred altar or somewhere where you'll see them throughout the day, so you'll be reminded of your intentions. You can also place the pieces of paper with your intentions on them under the crystals and you can read them whenever you like. Enjoy the process and have fun with it.

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