What to do with your Crystals on a New Moon

More crystal meanings on our blog at www.crystalgemstones.net

As the new moon approaches, many of us are wondering what we can do to prepare and get the most out of this magical time. Marking the beginning of a new lunar cycle, this is the moon phase best suited to relinquishing old habits, outdated beliefs, and bad vibes in general. Much like in farming traditions where seeds are planted at this time, you should lay down some foundations of your own, preparing to reap the rewards at the end of the next lunar cycle. 

Those who are familiar with the energetic correlations between ourselves and the moon keep practices of their own during this time, but even if you’re new to the whole thing, you can still benefit from the new moon in a few simple ways. Crystal healing is among the most popular spiritual practices when working with the new moon, partly for the cleansing benefits, but you can also charge your crystals with intention during this time. 

Whether you’re into elaborate rituals or are more of a minimalist when it comes to your spirituality, there’s something for everyone. Let’s take a look at what to do with your crystals on a new moon and a few examples of how to incorporate them into your practices.

Set your Intentions 

The most important part of any spiritual practice is looking within yourself to discover what you most desperately need to let go of in order to grow. This is a vital step before you can expect to manifest anything. Search your heart and the answers will come. When you’ve conjured your intentions, find the crystals to match. 

Make Moon Water

Making moon water is as simple as it sounds. Fill a glass container (preferably with a lid) with clean water and set it on the windowsill or somewhere it can be touched by moonlight. Leave it out to charge overnight or for a few days, whatever feels right. You can use it for a cleansing bath or to cleanse your crystals – you can even drink it for spiritual cleansing if done safely . (See our article on which crystals can go in water)

Set up a Moon Altar

There’s no better way to harness the energy of the new moon than to honor it with an altar. Light some candles, set out your moon water, and lay your chosen crystals around them. You can also create a crystal grid here to capture the energies that will best benefit your cause. See our articles on setting up an altar for crystals and which crystals work well together. 

Crystals for the New Moon 

There’s no wrong crystal when it comes to your spiritual practice, but some are better suited to different things. For the new moon, setting intentions, and charging, you’ll want to choose crystals that relate to those purposes. Here are a few examples of crystals that work best for the new moon. 

Moonstone is a straight giveaway just by the name, right? It’s also a great transformation stone whose energy directly vibes with the moon in all its phases. It’s a stone for new beginnings and new opportunities, making it an optimal choice for setting intentions around during a new moon. 

Labradorite is another transformation stone that brings good luck and blessings on all fronts. Because of its transfigurative properties, it’s perfect for charging with your intentions under light of a new moon. Try to incorporate labradorite into your new moon practices as much as possible to ensure manifestation of your dreams. 

Clear Quartz and Selenite are two very powerful cleansing stones that help to release negativity and stagnant energy while augmenting your intentions and positive vibes. Pair either of these with your new moon crystals for an extra boost of power behind your craft (but do not pair them with each other). As they are self-cleansing stones, you don’t need to do anything else except set them out in moonlight. Exercise caution with selenite, however, as it will revert back to gypsum if submerged in water.

Rose Quartz, as popular as it is, needs little explanation. If your intention is to open your heart and receive love this new moon, this is the perfect stone for that. With the loving and passionate energies of Venus, it is sure to invite the love and intimacy you seek. This is also a great stone to pair with moonstone as their combined energies will enhance your inner power and open doors of opportunity. 

However you choose to honor yourself this new moon, remember to cleanse, cleanse, and cleanse. Before you can hope to invite blessings into your life, you must first make room. Explore our crystal selection at spiritmagicka.com and have fun!

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